128K. Your Life Will Never Be The Same.

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128Kgames is the future game publisher for Astrocade, The Professional Arcade using the all new Atarimax Maxflash 512k Flash Cartridge.
The Atariax Maxflash cartridge expands the Astrocade game ROM from a limited 8K to a whopping 512K! It supports 128/256/512K ROM configurations.
With the ability to access up to 64K of expanded RAM (RAM expansion required) prepare to be amazed with games the likes of which have never been seen (or heard) before!
128Kgames will also play on your Bally Home Library Computer, Bally Professional Arcade and Bally Computer System.
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2. DISCS OF BRON - Coming Soon.
4. Borf - Coming Soon.
5. Hysteria - Coming Soon.
6. Robaltron: 2084 - Coming Soon.

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