128K. Your Life Will Never Be The Same.

These are examples of the types of games now possible with the 512K board. These games are not in production, but someday could be.

BRON - Coming soon.
BRON: "I Fight For The Losers!" er, I mean "Users".
BRON, lesser known program written by a lesser known programmer, sent to destroy the evil MCP (MS Certified Professional) in control of the NTFS file partition. Can BRON stop the file corruption and defrag the partition in time?
Just like the arcade game with a twist, using the Astrocade controller for 8-way movement, trigger to fire and knob for aiming.

BalZerk - Coming soon.
Featuring for the first time BAL-VOICE © voice samples, just like the real arcade game!
Plays like the arcade game with a twist, using the Astrocade controller for 8-way movement, trigger to fire and for the first time knob for aiming!
Shoot one way while running another, a feature found only on the Astrocade!
"BalZerk" title © Lance F. Squire

Hysteria - Coming soon.
Those killer robots are back in the sequal to Balzerk with even more intense action!
Featuring BAL-VOICE © voice samples, just like the real arcade game!
Just like the arcade game with a twist, using the Astrocade controller for 8-way movement, trigger to fire and knob for aiming!

Borf - Coming soon.
Borf - Ballistic Orbiting Robotic Farce
Funnier than a barrel of space monkeys, do your best to defeat the Borfian armada laughing through 5 hilarious levels of game play!
Featuring BAL-VOICE © voice samples, just like the real arcade game!
Just like the arcade game with a twist, using the Astrocade controller for 8-way movement and trigger to fire.
The knob does absolutely nothing in this game, isn't that hysterical!?!

RoBaltron: 2084- Coming soon.
Robaltron: 2084 - that's probably the year this game will finally show up on the Astrocade, but we thought we'd post this mock-up for you anyway!
Just like the arcade game with a twist, using the Astrocade controller for 8-way movement, trigger to fire and knob for aiming!